ARCS Social - Philadelphia, PA


6/24/2016 6:00 PM–8:00 PM
London Grill
2301 Fairmount Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19130
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Since the summer of 2013  ARCS has been organizing Socials!  These get togethers, sponsored through the largesse of our vendor friends, are a wonderful way for you to get to know other registrars and collections specialists in your area.  They are casual, (no sales pitches!) and fun.  

AND bring your business card, because at every ARCS Social there is a draw for a free one-year ARCS membership!

Please RSVP by June 15, 2016. To RSVP for this event please click on the button below: 

RSVP for this event is now closed. If you are interested in attending this social please contact

This event is generously sponsored by Atelier Art Services.

Click here to find out more information about ARCS Socials 

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The mission of ARCS is to represent and promote registrars and collection specialists, to educate the profession in best practices of registration and collections care, and to facilitate communication and networking.

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