Joy Tahan Ruddell
Collections and Registration Specialist at JTR Collections Management

Joy Tahan Ruddell


Joy Tahan Ruddell has over twenty-five years of collections and registration experience.  Prior to independent consulting, Joy coordinated the registration and collections department at the Oakland Museum of California. This included insurance, loans, acquisitions, collections access and research, policy and procedure development and management, and intellectual property management. Working with staff museum-wide she developed programs that helped the community engage with collections. With extensive experience in major collections projects including: inventories, collections moves, project management, acquisition and deaccession activities, NAGPRA projects, grant writing, insurance and risk management, and loan processing and organization, Joy can assist museums of all sizes with most collections issues. 

She is Alum of the John F. Kennedy Museum Studies Program and served as Adjunct Faculty teaching collections management courses. She has served on the Board of the California Associations of Museums (CAM), where she was also on the Program Committee.  Joy is currently the President of the Board of Directors of the Camron-Stanford House Museum in Oakland.

Joy specializes in helping museums build capacity through creative problem solving and determining scalable solutions. Extensive knowledge and advanced understanding of national standards allows her to assist with virtually any collections conundrum.

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The mission of ARCS is to represent and promote registrars and collection specialists, to educate the profession in best practices of registration and collections care, and to facilitate communication and networking.

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