Getting Involved with ARCS
As an entirely volunteer-run organization, it is only through the generous time and efforts of dedicated museum professionals and members that ARCS is able to organize programming, provide resources for our members, and host international conferences.
Members of ARCS can volunteer in two different ways - by joining an ARCS Committee or via nomination to the Board of Directors. ARCS Committees, sub-committees, and task forces consist of board members and non-board volunteers who accomplish the work of the organization. The Board of Directors guides ARCS’ policy and budget, and sets program and conference priorities throughout the year in order to grow and strengthen the collections profession. In both cases ARCS encourages volunteers with diverse and applicable perspectives and experiences to apply and ARCS seeks volunteers committed to fostering a culture of belonging by promoting respect, equity and inclusion.
All volunteers must be an ARCS member in good standing. A call for new board members goes out in early Winter of years in which board terms end, and is issued by the Nominations/Leadership Development Committee. Certain ARCS Committee, Sub-Committee, and Task Forces are open for new members throughout the year. To see which groups are currently recruiting see page below.
Call for Committee, Sub-Committee, and Task Forces Member - Open |
Call for Board of Directors Members - Open |
FY 24 Committee Organizational Chart |
FY 24 Committee Charges |