Find an ARCS Member

Showing 1–8 of 8 members Show options Back to full results

  • Specializations Collection Manager Remove
  • Specializations Consultant Remove
  1. B Calello

    B Calello

  2. Alisha Ferrin

    Alisha Ferrin

    Provided Upon Request, Pittsburgh, PA

  3. Rebecca Kennedy

    Rebecca Kennedy

    1707 Kilbourne Place NW Apt 1, Washington, DC

  4. Michelle C Lopez

    Michelle C Lopez

  5. Brandi Pomfret

    Brandi Pomfret

  6. Kimberly M Terbush

    Kimberly M Terbush

  7. Celeste Voce

    Celeste Voce

  8. Alissa Warshaw

    Alissa Warshaw


Alisha FerrinAlisha Ferrin

Owner, Independent Registrar at Ferrin Collections Management, LLC
Provided Upon Request, Pittsburgh, PA...


Rebecca KennedyRebecca Kennedy

Independent Collections Manager/Registrar at Curae Collections Care LLC
1707 Kilbourne Place NW Apt 1, Washington, DC...

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The mission of ARCS is to represent and promote registrars and collection specialists, to educate the profession in best practices of registration and collections care, and to facilitate communication and networking.

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